How do you learn to trust again when your spouse has had an affair?
Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth?
Is it possible to love your LGBTQ friends without compromising biblical truth?
Q&A: How can I tell the difference between sexual desire and a desire for intimacy?
What’s the difference between needing intimacy and wanting sex?
Q&A: What’s OK for a married couple in the bedroom?
Can married couples do whatever they want sexually?
Q&A: Will I ever be able to heal from sexual trauma?
Is the fight to heal from sexual trauma as hopeless as it often feels?
Q&A: How Do I Know if My Spouse Is Repentant After a Betrayal?
How do you know if your spouse is repentant after a betrayal?
Q&A: Past Sexual Trauma Inhibits My Ability to Enjoy Sex. Is There Hope That I Can Ever Heal?
When trauma is in your past, is sexual enjoyment possible?
Married Sex: Beyond a Sanctified Hook-Up
Q&A: How Can I Overcome the Shame I Experienced as a Result of Purity Culture?
How do you overcome any shame you’ve experienced from purity culture?
Q&A: Is Sex Necessary For Intimacy?
Is sex necessary for intimacy?
Q&A: What If I’m Not Attracted to My Spouse Anymore?
What do you do if you’re no longer attracted to your spouse?
Q&A: Sex Has Never Been Pleasurable in Our Marriage. Should I Just Fake It?
If you don’t enjoy sex, should you just fake it?
Q&A: What Is the Difference Between Sexual Integrity and Purity?
What is the difference between sexual integrity and purity?
Q&A: Is Sending Nudes and Homemade Porn Okay if We’re Married?
What’s okay to do sexually in marriage?
Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 2
How To Ditch the Counterfeits & Find True Intimacy Part 2 in this webinar series Therapist and life coach Dawn Jones is back to tell us the truth about counterfeit intimacy and how to recover from trauma like porn, abuse, and even your "friends" on social media....
Q&A: Help! What do I do if my spouse annoys me?
If your spouse is beginning to annoy you, what can you do?
Q&A: My spouse never wants to have sex. What do I do?
What do you do if your spouse isn’t interested in having sex?
Q&A: Can Sexual Sin be Forgiven?
Are some sins less forgivable than others?
Q&A: How Do I Love My LGBTQ Friends Without Compromising Biblical Truth? (Part 2)
Is it possible to love your LGBTQ friends without compromising biblical truth?
Q&A: Is It OK to Call a Transgender Friend by Their Preferred Pronouns?
Is It OK to call a transgender friend by their preferred pronouns?
Q&A: Is It My Responsibility to Meet My Spouse’s Sexual Needs?
Is it your responsibility to meet your spouse’s sexual needs?
Q&A: We Have Sex Regularly, but My Husband Never Seems Satisfied. What Do I Do?
What do you do if your spouse never seems satisfied with the sex you’re having?
Q&A: Is There Any Hope for Me in My Struggle with Porn?
Is there hope for you in your struggle with porn?
Q&A: How Can I Steward My Sexuality as a Single?
How do you steward your sexuality as a single person?
Webinar: How to Use Your Power to Build Intimacy
What do you do if your husband refuses to get a job? When you don't like the way he's parenting the kids? How do you know when you've become a controlling or manipulative wife? God has given you a powerful influence in the life of your husband - but you have to learn...
Webinar Series: Sex & the Single Christian, Pt 1
What Kind Of a Gift Is Sexuality if I Can't Have Sex? Part 1 in this webinar series A fan-favorite "Java with Juli" guest, The Boundless Show's Lisa Anderson, steps in as co-host to help Juli unpack why your sexuality doesn't have an on/off switch called "marriage."...
Webinar: Making Sense of God & Sex, Live Q&A
How do I bring God my heartache over the fact that my daughter is living in a same-sex relationship? Why does God care if my husband and I are having sex or not? Does God really expect me to give up sex, even if I never marry? When you wrestle with sexual pain or...
Webinar Series: Sexual Pleasure: How To Get Your Mind and Body to Work Together, Pt 2
Overcoming Physical Barriers to Pleasure Part 2 in this webinar series Meet Dr. Carol Tanksley, OB-GYN. She has over 28 years of experience and a passion help women understand how their bodies are integrated with their minds, spirits, and emotions. In this webinar,...
Webinar Series: Sexual Pleasure: How To Get Your Mind and Body to Work Together, Pt 1
The Priority of Mutual Pleasure in Healthy Sex Part 1 in this webinar series Juli and Dr. Debra Taylor, a certified Christian sex therapist, discuss the importance of pleasure within the larger picture of sexual intimacy, and how the pleasure we experience during sex...
Webinar Series: 3 Conversations To Help You Heal From Sexual Trauma, Pt 3
From Sexual Trauma to Sexual Intimacy (It Takes Two) Part 3 in this webinar series In this final conversation, Juli talks with Matt Gutbrod, a sexual abuse survivor, and his wife, Victoria, a marriage and family therapist, about how couples can practice empathy and...
Webinar Series: 3 Conversations To Help You Heal From Sexual Trauma, Pt 2
What Is Sexual Trauma & How Does It Affect You? Part 2 in this webinar series If you're in Florida, find Aline-Vanya Guillaume at Sexual Trauma & It's Effect On Marriage an article by Aline-Vanya Guillaume, LPSW Unwanted by Jay...
Webinar Series: 3 Conversations To Help You Heal From Sexual Trauma, Pt 1
Your Abuse Story: How To Tell, What To Tell, & Why It Matters Part 1 in this webinar series Juli Slattery and Dawn Scott Damon talk about the reasons we don't share our abuse stories. We can be accused of lying or exaggerating. We're met with silence. Our pain is...
How To Teach Christian Sexuality to Children and Teens
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Talking to kids and...
Five Things Every Leader Needs To Know About Porn
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Rosie Makinney leads Fight For Love Ministries, a team of...
How Do I Help Couples Move Beyond the Purity Narrative to Sexual Intimacy?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Much of the traditional...
Can You Help Me Understand the “T” in LGBT?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Questions about gender...
Overcoming Sexual Shame
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Joy Skarka shares her journey of finding...
Should We Use LGBTQ Inclusive Language?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Laurie Krieg is a...
What the Bible Says About Same-Sex Attraction
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Sam Allberry is a...
Webinar: Pornography: Help for Spouses & Parents
The desires that lead to sexual addiction are not wrong. Men and women who find themselves caught up in porn, reading books like Fifty Shades of Grey, or in a sexual chat room got there because their healthy God-given desires have been twisted. We are supposed to...
Q&A: How do I start to heal after my spouse’s affair?
How do you heal after the betrayal of a spouse?
Q&A: Is it okay to have sex before marriage?
Is sex before marriage okay?
Q&A: How do I explain the unbiblical sexual choices others make to my young kids?
How to talk to your kids about other people’s sexual choices.
Q&A: What Does God Say About Divorce?
What does God say about divorce? Juli unpacks this layered topic.
Q&A: Is It Possible For The Woman to Be The Higher Drive Partner?
Are husbands always the higher desire partners?
Q&A: What Should I Do If I Discover My Spouse Looking at Porn?
What do you do when you discover your spouse watches porn?
Webinar Series: Sexual Pleasure: How To Get Your Mind and Body to Work Together, Pt 3
Saying "Yes!" to Sexual Pleasure Part 3 in this webinar series In the final webinar in our series, Dr. Jennifer Degler brings her humor, candor, and expertise to help you understand how to get your brain and your body working together so that you can share the kind of...
Why We Must Remember That Women Struggle With Porn Too
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Despite growing...
How Do I Get to the Heart of Unwanted Sexual Behavior?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Jay Stringer discusses...
Sexual Discipleship® and Single Christians
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Healthy conversation around singles and sexuality is a glaring gap in most Christian...
What You Need To Know About Ministry to Women & Sexual Brokenness
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts There is a growing awareness of the great need...
Why Christian Leaders Must Understand Sexual Trauma
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Tim Hein is the...
Sex, Love, and Dating
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Dr. Sean McDowell is a ...
Healing From Sexual Addiction
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Jonathan Daugherty is...
Why Do We Need To Talk About Sex?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Christopher West is the...
How Does the Christian Community Begin To Address Porn?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Nick Stumbo is the executive director of Pure Desire...
How Do I Recognize an Abusive Marriage?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Dr. Ramona Probasco is a psychologist and a certified domestic abuse counselor. She is also a...
Webinar: When Marriage Gets Messy (Healing after Infidelity)
You may not be in the middle of an affair, but we all have to deal with sin in our relationships. It's easy to turn to other sources of comfort and avoid having hard conversations with your spouse. As your resentment builds, your heart drifts. Thankfully, Jesus has...
Webinar: The Season for a Savior
Perhaps the best way to remember Jesus this Christmas is to imagine where you would be without Him. In this month’s webinar, we’ll talk practically about managing the tensions of Christmas; from strife in your marriage to losing a loved one to facing...
Webinar: Fighting Masturbation and Fantasy
Every day we receive questions from men and women around masturbation and fantasy. Is masturbation a sin? How do I know when I've "crossed the line" into sinful sexual fantasy? How do we differentiate between healthy sexual desire and sinful lust? What if I'm single?...
Webinar: Guilt & Motherhood: When You Think You’re Messing It Up
Practically every mother wrestles with guilt because there is no such thing as a perfect mom. We instinctively know that the choices we make will impact our children's lives. How can we parent our kids without being paralyzed by the guilt of our mistakes and fear of...
Webinar: Loving Your LGBT Neighbor
Ever feel like we're just fumbling through the LGBT conversation, always asking but never really finding Biblical answers to questions like: What does it look like to be friends with my lesbian neighbors? How should I love my gay child and his partner? What if I'm...
Q&A: How do I love and care for a family member who just came out as LGBTQ+?
How to love family identifying as LGBTQ+.
Q&A: Does God want me to be happy?
Does God care about our happiness?
Q&A: How do you love people you disagree with?
What are practical ways to love people with whom you disagree?
Q&A: Is it okay to not get married?
Do we have to get married?
Q&A: How do I not pass sexual shame on to my kids?
How do you not pass sexual shame onto your kids?
Q&A: Why do I keep sinning?
Why do we sin even when we’re trying to stop?
Q&A: How do I Connect with my Emotionally Disconnected Husband?
Got an emotionally disconnected spouse? Hear what Juli says about how to connect.
Q&A: What am I Supposed to do With my Sexuality as a Single Christian?
What does God’s design for sexuality look like when you’re single?
Q&A: Is Porn Sinful?
Is porn sinful?
Q&A: Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?
Are Sexual Sin and Sexual Brokenness the Same Thing?
Q&A: How Often Is ‘Normal’ for Having Sex Within Marriage?
How can you know if you’re having sex enough in marriage?
Q&A: What Is the Purpose of My Sexuality as a Single?
Is there still a purpose for your sexuality if you’re a single person?
Q&A: How Can I Love Someone Who Is Struggling with Sexual Sin and Brokenness?
How do you love someone struggling with sexual sin and brokenness?
Q&A: Is Masturbation a Sin?
Is masturbation a sin?
Q&A: Is God Okay With Me Having Sex With Someone I Love Even If We Are Not Married?
What God think about sex outside of marriage?
Taking Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Your Ministry
This recording is from Mental Health Mondays with Dr. Jennifer Degler. Topic: Taking...
How to Recognize and Respond to Ministry Burnout
This recording is from Mental Health Mondays with Dr. Jennifer Degler. Topic: How to...
Sexual Discipleship® and Marriage
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Helping couples navigate barriers to sexual...
Why The Christian Single’s Journey is More Valuable Than You Think
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts In an effort to honor...
These Are the Unique Sexual Issues That Women of Color Face
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Dawn Jones, LPC, shares...
What Does “Grace Based Recovery” Look Like?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Unintentionally, our approach to recovery from sexual...
How Do I Create Spaces for Leaders Who Are Struggling?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts The widespread use of...
Confronting Abuse in the Church
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Boz Tchividjian is a...
Understanding Complex Trauma
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Dr. Heather Gingrich is...
What Is Christian Sex Therapy?
Ask Anything: Interviews with Experts Josh Spurlock is a...
Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 3
Kids & Porn: How and When You Should Talk to Your Child About Pornography Part 3 of this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect...
Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 2
The Birds & Bees: How to Talk to Young Children About Sex Part 2 of this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect with your kids...
Webinar Series: Talking to Your Kids About Sex, Pt 1
Teens: Teach Them HOW, Not WHAT, to Think About Sex Part 1 in this webinar series From questions like, "Mommy, how will that baby get out of your tummy?" to trends on TikTok and Instagram, everyday life is rich with opportunities to connect with your kids and share...
Webinar: How Can God Be Good If…?
Our beliefs about sexuality begin and end with our beliefs about God. Is He trustworthy? Is His Word reliable? Why wouldn't a loving God embrace me just the way I am? In this webinar, Juli and Dr. Jo Vitale, a Christian apologist, talk about how acknowledging the...
Webinar: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex
Talking about sex with your spouse is scary... especially when one (or both!) of you is disappointed, frustrated, or resentful about how things are currently. How do you have healthy conversations about sex, when every other attempt has been wrought with tension? ÊHow...
Webinar: Does Your Sex Life Have Shades of Gray?
Why are some Christians okay with sex toys, masturbation, and cohabitation while others believe it's wrong to kiss before marriage? Whether you're single or married, honoring God with your sexuality means discerning the dangers of both license and legalism in the...
Webinar: The Art of Asking Good Questions
In an era of emotionally charged politics, #MeToo, and gender identity questions, we've all witnessed, and likely experienced, how engaging with others can quickly lead to heated conversations and hurt feelings. How do we talk about difficult things in a way that BOTH...
Webinar: Addressing Tough Topics with Truth & Love
In July 2019, best-selling author Josh Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) announced that he and his wife are separating. The hundreds of comments to his Instagram post mirror how Christians generally respond to difficult issues and brokenness. One person wrote,...
Webinar: Overcoming Barriers in the Bedroom
Do you hate sex? Are you too tired, never in the mood, or is sex too painful? Maybe there’s too much tension in your marriage to desire any sexual intimacy with your husband. Dr. Juli Slattery will be teaching on overcoming barriers in the bedroom and sharing things...
Webinar: Tackling Shame
One of the most common themes in the questions we receive at Authentic Intimacy is shame. What is it? Where does it come from? How do I get rid of it? Can God really forgive every sin? If so, why do I still have so much shame? In this webinar, we address these issues...
Webinar: Tools You Need for Healthier Relationships
You have a lot of relationships in your life: parents, family, friends, colleagues, and your spouse. These relationships have huge effects on your emotional health, day to day living, and often your interaction with God. What percentage of your relationships are...
Webinar: Sexuality and Parenting
How do you teach your kids about God's design and purpose for sexuality? How do you relate to your kids when today's sexual culture is so different from the sexual culture of your own childhood? During this webinar, Dr. Juli Slattery explains what it looks like to...
Webinar: Female Friendships—the Good AND the Bad
We can all agree that having female friends is a great gift in life, but why can they cause so much difficulty? Dr. Juli Slattery hosts this webinar with one of her favorite friends, Erin Smalley! These two share the value in friendship, be honest about why it can be...