Online Coaching Intensives

Register today for our September 2024 groups!



“Before this group, I felt alone. Now just knowing there are other people going through something similar gives me hope.”

Online Coaching Intensives are for women and men who are seeking help on a specific issue and are looking for their next step.

Fall groups are officially open!

Online Coaching Intensives are 6-10 week Zoom meetings with an expert on a particular topic.

September 2024 Groups:

For Women:

    • Dr. Jennifer Degler: Sexuality for Wives: Mondays, 1– 2:45 p.m.  ET., Sept. 16–Oct. 21, bonus Q&A on Nov. 4 (7-weeks) – Sign up here!
    • Lyschel Burket: Hope and Healing for Wives for Sexual Intimacy After Betrayal: Tuesdays, 1-2:30 p.m. ET., Sept. 17–Nov. 5 (8-weeks) – Sign up here!

Learn from an Expert

Connect with Others in Similar Situations

Gather Resources

Online Coaching Intensives Details

Guided Materials
  • Live, weekly Zoom meetings
  • Resources from the expert
  • If a group includes a book, $10 will be added to the total + shipping.
Safe & Confidential Groups
  • Private online group
  • 15 people max, 8 people minimum
  • Available to anyone over the age of 18
  • Authentic Intimacy is committed to creating an environment where people can grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and pursue wholeness and healing. To keep this God-honoring space safe and welcoming to our community, Authentic Intimacy, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel a membership or remove someone from a group if they exhibit behavior or language deemed inappropriate.
  • Price: $350-$460 per person (depending on number of weeks)
  • AI members receive a 25% discount (Be sure to use your member code at checkout!)
  • Sales of Online Coaching Intensives are final and not refundable unless the group does not reach the minimum number of participants.

What others are saying:

Dr. Jennifer’s teaching was the most valuable. She is hilarious and relatable and so very kind. I really appreciated her teaching and overall demeanor. The safety and sharing of the group was helpful. I loved her comfortable way of talking about sex and making it feel like everyday talk, her copious information on each subject, and her love for the Lord and desire to lead other women in deepening their understanding of their bodies and relationships with their husbands. This class changed me and my understanding of my sexuality. (Anonymous participant of Dr. Jennifer’s group.)

Having the conversation about sex with likeminded women is powerful. For me, Sex is a difficult topic, the Lord showed me-through Jennifer’s leadership the immense value of directing my attention to sex. I married a good and godly man, and I still find it easy to hold on to my resentments-instead of facing them and then releasing them. Resentment-resistance-revenge is so subtle, this course brought me back to the gift of sex, the gift of a spouse and the privilege and thrill it is to have a vibrant sex life. As we are getting older, it’s critical for he and I to be more loving to each other. (Anonymous participant of Dr. Jennifer’s group.)

Debby did a great job giving us the facts as well as addressing the very real emotions that come along with this journey. She didn’t just focus on the physical pain, but the emotional and relational aspect as well which I think is often missed. She fostered a sense of camaraderie that will outlast the 8 weeks of this course and that makes a big difference. Knowing that I am not alone and being given some good, biblical perspective as well as practical tools was very helpful. (Anonymous participant from Debby’s group)

This course helped me know how to set better boundaries, so that I didn’t feel forced or manipulated to continue to bring pain to my body. It gave tools and permission to see how the sexual pain was poisoning other aspects of my life. It spoke life to dead parts of my story, even though the dark is still surrounding me, Jesus lit a candle and I’m confident he sees me and I finally desire to be sexually known. Debby was so wise and free with giving us tools. (Anonymous participant from Debby’s group)

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