Sexuality & Culture

Has God Changed His Mind About Sex?

Has God Changed His Mind About Sex?

Cultural ideals around sex and sexuality have shifted over the last 100 years, but does this mean God’s design for sex has shifted as well?

How We Become Angry People

How We Become Angry People

As Christians, what is our anger supposed to look like? Juli shares some helpful ways to navigate anger and still glorify God.

#474 A Rebel’s Manifesto: How to Live Holy Different with Sean McDowell

#474 A Rebel’s Manifesto: How to Live Holy Different with Sean McDowell

What does it look like to live life as a Christian counter-culturally? How are we called to be in the world but not of the world when it comes to engaging with others, sharing the gospel, and addressing our own sin?

In this interview, Juli hosts author and professor Sean McDowell as they discuss his new book, “A Rebel’s Manifesto.” The book serves as a call and challenge to today’s Christians, urging them to revisit God’s Word and rethink what it means to be salt and light.

#470 Why Did We Start Hating Men? The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey

#470 Why Did We Start Hating Men? The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey

When did it become normal for us as a culture not to like men? In this episode Juli’s guest is Nancy Pearcey, esteemed scholar, and author of “The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes”. She joins Juli to discuss the roots of toxic masculinity, what it means to be a good man, and how to combat the negativity around what it really means to be a man. 

#469 Porn, Rape Culture, and Why The Battle Against Sexual Assault Starts at Home

#469 Porn, Rape Culture, and Why The Battle Against Sexual Assault Starts at Home

Did you know that on average, each year, around 463,634 Americans are victims of sexual assault? That’s a heartbreaking statistic, and it reveals a very real source of pain and trauma in contemporary American culture. What causes people to commit sexual assault? Is there a way to stop it? Dr. John Foubert joins Juli to discuss some of the reasons these numbers are so high, and what can and needs to be done to prevent sexual assault from happening.

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: Why, When, and How

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: Why, When, and How

My husband had just returned home with our youngest son after a weekend away for the sex talk. Christian, eleven at the time, sheepishly told me, “Mom, I feel like I’m too young to know all these things about sex.” I reassured him, “I know how you feel, but Dad and I...

#463 (Bonus) The Need for Grace in Church-Based Conversations About Sex and Gender

#463 (Bonus) The Need for Grace in Church-Based Conversations About Sex and Gender

When it comes to discussions around sex, historically the church has stayed quiet. As more and more pastors, authors, and psychologists within the church begin writing and talking about sex, the challenge becomes how to make these discussions accessible, nuanced, grace-filled, and Bible-based. In this episode, Juli speaks again with author and pastor Joshua Butler, as together they examine the challenges surrounding talking about sex from within the church.

#455 How God Changed My Heart (Even After I Changed My Gender) with Laura Smalts

#455 How God Changed My Heart (Even After I Changed My Gender) with Laura Smalts

For most of her childhood, Laura wanted to be a boy. In her 20s, she began hormone therapy, had surgery and lived as Jake for nine years. But she could never quite shake the feeling that none of it was real. “I remember looking at the photo on my driver’s license and saying, ‘I’m not as happy as I think I am.'” In this episode, Laura shares her remarkable story of desperation, hope and transformation.

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima?

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima?

¿Qué hace que una relación sea íntima? Hace unos años, estaba hablando en un campus universitario sobre el diseño de Dios para la sexualidad. Durante un descanso, una joven se me acercó con una pregunta. “Dijiste que Dios me creó para la intimidad. ¿No es la intimidad...

What Defines an Intimate Relationship?

What Defines an Intimate Relationship?

A few years ago, I was speaking at a college campus about God’s design for sexuality. During a break, a young woman approached me with a question, “You said that God created me for intimacy. Isn’t intimacy the same thing as having sex?” (Presione aquí para leer en...

Webinar: Making Sense of God & Sex, Live Q&A

Webinar: Making Sense of God & Sex, Live Q&A

How do I bring God my heartache over the fact that my daughter is living in a same-sex relationship? Why does God care if my husband and I are having sex or not? Does God really expect me to give up sex, even if I never marry? When you wrestle with sexual pain or...

6 Thoughts To Help You Discern Truth and Give Grace

6 Thoughts To Help You Discern Truth and Give Grace

Over the past several months, many of you have messaged our team here at Authentic Intimacy asking for my opinion on a recent book or controversy within the Christian community. Most recently, people want my opinion on the new film adaptation of Redeeming Love. You...

Your Questions About Sex Point to Bigger Questions About God

Your Questions About Sex Point to Bigger Questions About God

Our sexuality is not an isolated part of who we are, but an integrated aspect of what it means to be created in God’s image and loved by Him. Our sexual questions and pain points connect with our deepest longings and fears. It’s impossible to grapple with our sexuality without also confronting our foundational beliefs about God. Is He good? Is He trustworthy? Does He see me? 

3 Things I Want You To Know as I Launch a Countercultural Book

3 Things I Want You To Know as I Launch a Countercultural Book

A book release. Normally this would be an exciting event. It’s kind of like giving birth to a child that you have nurtured in your womb for nine months. As this one approaches, my excitement is honestly mixed with trepidation. Over twenty years ago, I wrote my first...

When Cancel Culture Invades the Church

When Cancel Culture Invades the Church

Your social media feed is probably filled with examples of the latest person who has been “cancelled” because of something they said years ago or an unpopular position they recently expressed. Being cancelled is a weapon powerful enough to prompt teens to take their...

Purity Culture: Lose the Lies, Keep Your Faith

Purity Culture: Lose the Lies, Keep Your Faith

If you want to get “cancelled” in Christian culture, try using the phrase “sexual purity.” Even for many committed Christians, sexual purity has lost its luster. Women are writing dissertations and books about how the Church’s teaching on sex has not only harmed them...

La importancia del discipulado sexual

La importancia del discipulado sexual

Durante los últimos años, he estado usando este término "discipulado sexual ™" para describir algo que verdaderamente nos apasiona en el ministerio de Intimidad Auténtica. Me he dado cuenta de que cuando las personas me escuchan unir esas dos palabras, se sienten...

Compassion That Doesn’t Compromise

Compassion That Doesn’t Compromise

I’m in my-mid forties, divorced, and lonely. I love God and want to follow His plan for sex and marriage, but I just can’t find a man who is willing to share that journey with me. I’m not the naive young woman “saving sex for marriage” like I was in my twenties. I’m...

ÀPuedo ser piadosa y gay?

ÀPuedo ser piadosa y gay?

Extraído de 25 Preguntas Que Tienes Miedo de Hacer Sobre el Amore, el Sexo, y la Intimidad de Dr. Juli Slattery. © 2015 en Unilit Publishers. Usado con permiso. Esta pregunta es un barril de pólvora; un asunto sensible...

Cómo tener conversaciones difíciles

Cómo tener conversaciones difíciles

Las personas que escuchan nuestro podcast, Java con Juli, saben que no me gusta hablar por hablar. Desde que era una niña, he sido capaz de sentir agudamente la tensión tácita en una habitación. Me pongo ansiosa cuando tengo un conflicto sin resolver con un amigo o...