#513 A Child Psychiatrist On The Truth About Transgender Activism

Gender dysphoria is becoming more and more common, and parents with kids who are struggling are at a loss at what to do. Should they affirm their kids? Should they approve hormone blockers?

In this week’s episode of Java with Juli, Juli is joined by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child psychiatrist and author who has testified before congress about some of the hidden dangers behind transgender activism.


Guest: Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD


Book: “Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness” by Miriam Grossman M.D.

Book: “You’re Teaching my Child What?!” by Miriam Grossman M.D.

Java with Juli: #507 What You Need To Know About The Gender Conversation

Java with Juli: #508 What Does Healthy Masculinity Actually Look Like?


Check out more resources about sex and culture!


Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.