Your Healing Journey

Contentment: How to Live Joyfully Through the Ups and Downs of Life

Contentment: How to Live Joyfully Through the Ups and Downs of Life

If everything in your life were to remain exactly the way it is in this current moment, do you think you could still be truly, deeply happy? As a single woman, this was something I was used to asking myself. After all, marriage was not a certainty. What surprised me...

#459 How Sexual Abuse Affects You (And Why God Is Still Trustworthy)

#459 How Sexual Abuse Affects You (And Why God Is Still Trustworthy)

“What happened to me wasn’t rape.” “I didn’t stop it right away.” “I shouldn’t have been at that party in the first place.” 

If you’ve ever had thoughts like these, about yourself or someone else, your definition of sexual abuse is too narrow. Join us to learn what sexual abuse is and what consent isn’t. (And, if you’ve never been a victim of sexual assault, trust us, you know someone who has. This conversation is for you, too.)

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

Help! I’m in a Sexless Marriage!

My husband and I haven’t had sex in two years. The drought began after I had our third child. I’ve never really enjoyed sex. I was always tired, and I just didn’t think it was worth the effort anymore. Now, we don’t even talk about it.  My wife and I got married about...

#456 Overcoming Father Wounds: Trading My Pain for God’s Perfect Love

#456 Overcoming Father Wounds: Trading My Pain for God’s Perfect Love

Kia Stephens knows many women (like herself) who looked to the arms of other men for the affirmation they longed to receive from their fathers. You’ll love her humor, wisdom, and vulnerability as she shares how she traded the pain of what her earthly father couldn’t give her for the perfect love of her heavenly Father. 

Why We Don’t Experience Victory

Why We Don’t Experience Victory

I recently spoke with a young woman who despises herself because of her continual struggle with lust and pornography. She’s tried to obey God and run away from sin only to find herself falling into it once again. I’ve met other people who feel similar discouragement...

How Do I Know If I’m in an Abusive Relationship?

How Do I Know If I’m in an Abusive Relationship?

On the surface, they looked like a perfect Christian couple. Always together, with his arm around her waist. Her friends would admit to feeling a bit jealous. Abby never goes anywhere without Jake; he’s so attentive. I can barely get my husband to notice that I’m in...

“God Doesn’t Care” and 3 Other Lies You Might Believe About Sex

“God Doesn’t Care” and 3 Other Lies You Might Believe About Sex

I’ll never be able to kick porn for good! I hate sex. I’ll never be able to enjoy it with my husband. I’m damaged beyond repair. I can’t have a great sex life if I don’t have a beautiful body.  Have thoughts like these ever crossed your mind? If so, where do you think...

3 Reasons I Can Run To God With My Sexual Brokenness

3 Reasons I Can Run To God With My Sexual Brokenness

This question is where it all begins for me: Can I really trust God with everything, including my sexuality? (Presione aquí para leer en español)  I still picture myself in my room that night, tossing and turning, overwhelmed by the anguish in my soul. Gripping the...

Can Shame Ever Be a Good Thing?

Can Shame Ever Be a Good Thing?

“Shame on you!” If you grew up in my generation, this is a sentence you probably heard as a child. You were told that you should be ashamed of the way you treated your sister, for stealing that candy bar, or for talking back. These are also words that I’ve probably...

La sanidad de Dios apesta

La sanidad de Dios apesta

¿Alguna vez has tenido una experiencia en la que Dios ha “revelado” el significado de un pasaje de las Escrituras en tu corazón? Recientemente, Él ha estado haciendo eso en mi corazón con Juan 11. Este es el relato de cuando Jesús resucitó a Lázaro de entre los...

Cómo elegir un consejero sabio

Cómo elegir un consejero sabio

Después de todos tus propios esfuerzos y tus agallas, tus oraciones y búsqueda de consejos, tus lecturas e investigaciones te das cuenta de que lo has intentado todo y aún persistes en tu lucha. Llegaste a ese punto en el que sabes que necesitas...

How to Suffer Well Through Sickness

How to Suffer Well Through Sickness

*Trigger warning, mention of assault and trauma. This past spring, I spent 30 nights alone in the hospital without my loving husband by my side. One night, as I laid in my hospital bed, I thought back on the decision I made to marry him. Little did I know how my...

#331: Say Goodbye to Labels

#331: Say Goodbye to Labels

Life is tends to put labels on us. We even pin labels on ourselves. More often than not, these labels are hurtful,...

Relational Revelation

Relational Revelation

As a Christian psychologist, I sometimes feel like I’m in the crosshairs of pastors and therapists who disagree about the road to healing. Those who study theology and teach the Bible often emphasize the importance of God’s Word and prayer. Christians in the therapy...

I Despise Neediness in Myself

I Despise Neediness in Myself

This guest post by Mary DeMuth first appeared here.    This is one of those posts I am starting that I don’t know how it will end. During this time of COVID, racial tension, and employment worries, I (like you) have had some space to observe my life. And...

Why Is Healing So Hard?

Why Is Healing So Hard?

Tina and I met together for counseling several years ago to work through some traumatic experiences from her past. A year after our work together was done, Tina came in for a “check up.” She shared with me that within that year, she had undergone surgery, radiation,...

Remembering Your Way Out of Discouragement

Remembering Your Way Out of Discouragement

Have you ever faced a difficult season only to have friends tell you to trust in God? While you know their advice is right, it doesn’t seem very practical. What does it actually look like to trust in God through trials and discouragement?  David faced almost every...

Java Pack: Conversations that Heal

Java Pack: Conversations that Heal

This Java Pack is a Christian leader’s guide to addressing sexual pain. As Christians, we often spend a lot of time debating what we should believe about sexuality. We may devote some time to ensuring we are personally honoring God with our own sexual choices....

Webinar: How Can God Be Good If…?

Webinar: How Can God Be Good If…?

Our beliefs about sexuality begin and end with our beliefs about God. Is He trustworthy? Is His Word reliable? Why wouldn't a loving God embrace me just the way I am? In this webinar, Juli and Dr. Jo Vitale, a Christian apologist, talk about how acknowledging the...

Taming the Tongue on Groundhog Day

Taming the Tongue on Groundhog Day

I’ve heard a lot of people comment that life right now feels like the movie “Groundhog Day”—the same thing over and over again with no end in sight. While there are blessings in having our lives slow down, there are also tensions and frustrations that overflow out of...

#40: Bonus! What Do You Fear?

#40: Bonus! What Do You Fear?

The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing all of our anxiety buttons; loss of loved ones, financial loss, being stuck inside...

Don’t Waste the Pain

Don’t Waste the Pain

Practically every conversation I’ve had in the last week has contained a phrase like, “These are strange times.” Strange times, indeed. Never in our lives have we walked through so much uncertainty. Our health, careers, and security all seem to be dangling on a...

Learning To Be a Promise-Breaker

Learning To Be a Promise-Breaker

Has anyone ever told you that it may be healthy to break your promises? No, I’m not talking about going back on your word or taking your wedding vows lightly. I’m referring to a different category of vows … the kind of promises that people rarely acknowledge.  Our...

#288: Max Lucado Says #MeToo

#288: Max Lucado Says #MeToo

Max Lucado has never pretended to be something he’s not. The beloved author and pastor has always been open about his struggles. But...

#283: I Was the Abuser

#283: I Was the Abuser

Are you, or someone you love, a recovering sex offender?  If so, this conversation is for you.  In this...

#282: How Shame Impacts Us

#282: How Shame Impacts Us

Shame is becoming popular… in a good way. More than ever, both Christian and secular voices are calling out the messages that...

Forgiveness is Hard, Grace is Harder

Forgiveness is Hard, Grace is Harder

We spend a lot of time as Christ-followers talking about forgiving one another.  After all, Jesus taught the importance of forgiveness, saying that our Heavenly Father will not forgive us if we fail to forgive each other. That’s pretty heavy! While forgiveness is a...

Shame Doesn’t Have the Final Word

Shame Doesn’t Have the Final Word

Most women bask in the comment “You look so young!” but not Jeni. Why? Because she is young … too young to be the mom of a six-year-old girl. When Jeni goes to her daughter’s kindergarten class, she feels out of place with every other mom, many of whom are more than a...

#273: Tell Someone You’re Broken

#273: Tell Someone You’re Broken

If you’re ever going to heal, you have to tell someone you’re broken.  In this episode of Java with Juli, our guest shares how he...

Webinar: Surprised by the Healer

Webinar: Surprised by the Healer

You may have heard Juli say, "We are all sexually broken." So how do we get "fixed?" Pursuing healing may involve counseling, God's Word, and having trustworthy friends around you, but ultimate healing comes when we encounter the Healer Himself. Join Dr. Juli Slattery...

Webinar: Tackling Shame

Webinar: Tackling Shame

One of the most common themes in the questions we receive at Authentic Intimacy is shame. What is it? Where does it come from? How do I get rid of it? Can God really forgive every sin? If so, why do I still have so much shame? In this webinar, we address these issues...