Listening Guide: Sexuality Meets Discipleship

Our culture is adept at sexual discipleship. Have you noticed? In every media outlet imaginable, we are confronted with an aggressive message of how to think about marriage, sexual activity, and sexual identity. Even Christians are far more likely to think like the world on sexual issues because we have been trained to do so. The culture is sexually discipling us, forming our opinions and worldview on everything sexual.

What would happen if Christian parents and the Christian community were committed to defining, teaching, and modeling a biblical sexual worldview? What if several times a day, we were given positive messages and examples of God’s beautiful design? This is where biblical sexuality meets discipleship.

This pack includes:

Segment 1: Why God Created You to Be Sexual
Segment 2: We’re All Sexually Broken
Segment 3: How the Purity Movement Hurt Us
Segment 4: Pursue Wholeness, Not Purity
Segment 5: Public Me vs. Private Me
Segment 6: Do You Have An Agenda?

Download the listening guide here before you begin. To get the most out of this resource, we encourage you to listen to this Listening Guide in the order listed above.

Publish Date: April 10, 2014