#516 Don’t Skip Foreplay! (and Other Advice from a Christian Sex Therapist)

Married sexuality has its challenges, internal and external, and it can be tempting to quit having sex or step outside the marriage, but there are ways to address some of the issues and overcome them as a couple.

Christian sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma joins Juli to talk about:

  • How to manage mismatched libidos
  • Why foreplay matters
  • What to do if you experience symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
  • Why sex is important in marriage
  • How to re-enter holy sexuality and eroticism after abstaining without it becoming sin



Guest: Dr. Michael Sytsma



Website: Building Intimate Marriages

Instagram: @buildingintimatemarriages



Explore more resources on Sex in Marriage

Java with Juli: #515 Is Attraction Sinful? Unpacking Attachment, Safety, Love and Desire

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Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.