#489 Thinking About Divorce? You Might Want to Listen to This First

In marriages where one or both partners are unhappy, divorce is a very real consideration. But imagine that you sit down with a divorce attorney, tell her you and your spouse argue all the time and can’t see eye to eye, and after nodding quietly, she gives you the following advice: before you split, take inventory.

Sound unconventional? This is the advice from divorce attorney Toni Nieuwhof, who, along with her husband, pastor-turned-leader-coach Carey Nieuwhof, has seen many couples walk through marital trouble and divorce.

Whether you’re walking through a tough season in your marriage or are currently contemplating divorce, this is a podcast episode that can encourage you and create fresh motivation to nurture your relationship with your spouse.

Guests: Toni and Carey Nieuwhof



Book: Before You Split by Toni Nieuwhof

Blog: How Do I Know If I’m in an Abusive Relationship?

Java with Juli: #466 Enough is Enough: Recognizing and Combating Abusive Relationships

Book: When Sorry Isn’t Enough by Gary Chapman and Jen Thomas

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