Surprised by the Healer Facilitators – Ginger and Marnie

Get to Know Ginger

Hi, I am Ginger. I have been married 42 years to my husband Vince. We have two married sons and three grandchildren. What a blast it is to be a grandparent! 

My passions include gardening, mentoring, and speaking at women’s retreats. I love seeing women grow in God’s truths through their brokenness. My heart rejoices when I see someone who is committed in walking through their pain with God. For years I have personally fought through my own healing with God, an excellent Christian counselor, and dear supportive friends. I have come out a totally different person. My journey is not over but it has given me a passion for God that I would not trade for anything.
I have been a volunteer with AI since the summer of 2013. I have seen a tremendous amount of change and growth in the ministry as well as with women who are being ministered to.
I have led Surprised by the Healer several times on my own and through AI. (Spoiler alert: My story is in one of the chapters of the book.) Don’t be surprised if you find parts of your story in many of the chapters, and be prepared to see God move!

Get to Know Marnie

My name is Marnie. I am leading Surprised by the Healer.  I am a single woman in my early 50’s. When I am not working at my current full-time project management job or serving at my local church, I love to watch or play golf, read, bike, or spend time with friends.  I recently graduated with my master’s in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary.  This will be my first time leading an AI book study; however, I have been a participant in five different studies, including Surprised by the Healer, over the last several years.   While I have never led an AI group, I have facilitated several women’s Bible studies and care groups at my church.  I have found suchencouragement and hope in AI book groups. It has been life changing for me being with other woman who love Jesus but have struggled to find healing in their pain, disappointments, addictions, and failures like me.  My hope is that as we journey through this book together, we will all experience the healing power of God more deeply.

What others are saying about Surprised by the Healer:

I loved seeing parts of my own story in every single chapter of this book. The best part of the group was sharing insights with the other participants and also sharing supplementary information with each other via the AI discussion boards on the website. My key takeaway of the book and group: God has the power to heal all brokenness no matter how severe. Keep chasing after him by staying in the Word.

This group was life-changing! The most valuable things: Just coming together with other women with hurts and pains and creating a safe space to share our pain, struggles, support, and healing journeys. I also love that if I miss a session I get a check-in and additional messages about prayer requests. The leaders have some big hearts! Understanding and comfort abound.

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