Passion Pursuit for Wives Facilitators

Get to Know Christine

Christine and her husband Matt have lived in Asia for 10 of their 28 years of marriage. They currently live in Thailand, where they enjoy serving together in ministry as empty nesters. Christine’s passions include volunteering, mentoring, and facilitating Online Book Studies.  She loves to see God work through His Word, through the wisdom of the materials produced by Authentic Intimacy,  and the encouragement of small groups.  

Christine was faithful to stay in touch, to lead our group with humility and compassion and made our group a safe place. She was wonderful!

She also was great at dealing with very delicate hard matters.

Christine was a fantastic leader, great listener, and just plain fun!

She helped make people feel comfortable and she was very open. She fostered a caring atmosphere. She’s also very passionate about the topic!

Get to Know Beth

Hello, I am Beth. I am co-facilitating Passion Pursuit this season with Christine.  I am a mother of two and have been married for 39 years. I have a passion for the truth found in God’s word and a desire for the truth to take back what the enemy has stolen. Physical intimacy in marriage is a difficult topic to discuss, but AI has created a safe and supportive place for women seeking answers to difficult questions. I have co-led many OBS groups over the past two years and have witnessed God bring hope and healing to many women through these book studies. I thank God for this ministry and look forward to seeing what He will do this season!

Beth is compassionate, godly, prepared, personable, friendly, and knowledgeable about the book. I love her openess and vulnerability. She is truly a blessing. She also has so much wisdom and encouragment, making sure feedback is Christ centered.

I love Christine and Beth–it is our 2nd group together. Everyone is real… no fakeness… we jump right into the deep end and we laugh a lot too.

They engaged us with questions, listened well, and shared life experiences/wisdom and encouragement.

What others are saying about Passion Pursuit:

I did Passion Pursuit in 2022 and it was so valuable, I would say life-changing.  It brought me closer to Jesus as well as to my husband. There was something very powerful about digging into the bible and letting the Holy Spirit touch my heart. Coming together and sharing with other women was so encouraging (we all needed encouragement at various stages, the course doesn’t shy away from difficult topics and we all found it challenging at times!). For me, before the course my libido was at ground zero – it had disappeared without trace over a 10 year period. I had no interest in sex whatsoever. For the first few years my husband was passively frustrated but that didn’t bother me… He then become more proactive (reading loads of books on the female libido and what can be done about it, and telling me he wanted sex!). I did my bit, going on HRT and even trying testosterone medication. I looked at various Christian woman blogs on how to get your libido back with limited improvement. I was pretty sure that my lack of libido was related to the menopause and that ‘that was it’ – my libido was gone forever.  And I didn’t really mind. The Passion Pursuit group made me examine God’s opinion of sexual intimacy. I realized that my sexual intimacy is important to God and indeed glorifying to him. I now understand that for sexual intimacy to work, both spouses need to be selfless and sacrificial (which is difficult, let’s be honest – but we do have the Holy Spirit to help). I can now see how my lack of respect and resentment was hindering intimacy with my husband, and that shame from my past was preventing me being as free as God wanted me to be. 

Just the accountable community/ group of women who you can listen to. I was often very encouraged by the testimonies or current struggles shared. It gave me hope and reminded me that I wasn’t alone. I came face to face with my deepest fear. I also gained new perspectives on forgiveness and how to forgive myself. I learned that a deeply intimate physical connection with my husband requires effort on my part, not just willingness.

The lesson videos…very inspiring, the workbook, helpful to make it practical, and the wisdom I gained from everyone else’s life/experiences: invaluable – doing the study in community gave me many insights and ahah! moments where I realized my experience is very normal that i would have missed reading the book by myself.

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