Jonathan Daugherty: Grace-Based Recovery for Men

Application Open for Summer 2024!

Online Coaching Intensives are for women and men who are seeking help on a specific issue and are looking for their next step.

Time and Dates: Mon., 8–9:30 p.m. ET, July 29–Oct. 7th (skipping Sept. 2nd for Labor Day) (10-weeks)

Price: $460 (book included in price)


Description: Grace does not give you a pass to keep engaging porn or other additive patterns. No, the grace of God is powerful for tearing down strongholds and training you to live with integrity and purpose. This 10-week online coaching intensive will help you understand God’s grace and why it is the only path to true freedom. 

Deadline to apply is July 1. After this date you will be notified if you were selected or not.

About Jonathan Daugherty

Jonathan Daugherty is the founder of Be Broken Ministries and the Gateway to Freedom, a three-day workshop for men. He also hosts the weekly podcast, Pure Sex Radio, heard by listeners and viewers worldwide. Jonathan is the author of “Grace-Based Transformation,” “Grace-Based Recovery,” “Secrets: A True Story of Addiction, Infidelity, and Second Chances,” and other works. Based on the content from Jonathan’s book,Grace-Based Recovery,” this book is also the source material for Be Broken’s Grace-Based Recovery Online Study Groups

Online Coaching Intensive Outline

Week 1: What grace-based recovery is NOT

    1. Grace is NOT a pass to keep acting out
    2. Grace is NOT a celebration of immorality
    3. Grace is NOT a sin management system
    4. Grace is NOT easy

Week 2: Grace to overcome

    1. The power of grace
    2. Counting the cost of recovery
    3. Grace vs. performance
    4. Exploring grace 

Week 3: Grace to share your story

    1. Bringing your story to light
    2. Grace accepts you as you are
    3. Grace “Leaves the Light On” for you
    4. Grace teaches you to tell the Truth
    5. Exploring grace

Week 4: Grace to belong

    1. Grace to be known and loved
    2. Healing from wounds in community
    3. Building faithful friendships
    4. Exploring grace

Week 5: Grace to get back up

    1. The inevitability of falling down
    2. Grace to confess
    3. Grace to repent
    4. Snapshot of confession and repentance
    5. Exploring grace

Week 6: Grace to persevere

    1. The hammer of grace
    2. Grace to be faithful
    3. Grace for daily disciplines
    4. Exploring grace

Week 7: Grace to forgive

    1. Addressing the engine of addiction: sin
    2. The process of forgiveness
    3. “Pre-empting” forgiveness
    4. Exploring grace

Week 8: Grace to grow up

    1. Addiction creates fools
    2. Grace leads to maturity
    3. Transitioning from childish to childlike
    4. Exploring grace

Week 9: Grace to love well

    1. The goal of recovery: love
    2. Give it away, give it away, give it away…
    3. Grace to bless others
    4. Exploring grace

Week 10: Wrap-up and next steps

Learn from an Expert

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Online Coaching Intensives Details

Guided Materials
  • Live weekly Zoom meetings
  • PDF of resources from the expert
  • If a group includes a book, $10 will be added to the total + shipping.
Safe & Confidential Groups
  • Private online group
  • 11 people max, 8 people minimum
  • Available to anyone over the age of 18
  • Authentic Intimacy is committed to creating an environment where people can grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and pursue wholeness and healing. To keep this God-honoring space safe and welcoming to our community, Authentic Intimacy, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel a membership or remove someone from a group if they exhibit behavior or language deemed inappropriate.
  • Price: $350-$460 per person
  • AI members receive a 10% discount (Be sure to use your member code at check-out.)
  • Sales of Online Coaching
    Intensives are final and not refundable unless the group does not reach the minimum number of participants.