Her Freedom Journey Facilitators

Get to Know Elizabeth 

Hi, I’m Elizabeth and I’ve led Sex and the Single Girl and Rethinking Sexuality. This is my first time leading this group as it is the first time we’ve offered this group! I’m a teacher and find great joy in supporting students in our class community. I love baking and cooking especially dairy and gluten free goodies!

I’m thankful to have OBS groups to start as strangers and end as dear friends advocating for each other as we pursue sexual wholeness. OBS groups have helped me in my own journey to freedom and provided me community who prays for me and points me to Jesus. I’m excited to facilitate an OBS to meet more sisters in Christ and cheer one another on this journey to sexual freedom and wholeness.

Get to Know Tracy


Hi, I’m Tracy and this is my first time leading! I  am excited to lead because I want  to hear what others discover about God’s plan to free them from their sexual sins. I want to honor the gift of freedom God has given me through serving others on the journey.

OBS groups helped me connect better with the material and it has been wonderful to feel the support of a group as we face our sexual brokenness and God’s plan for our lives in a safe space. My husband Tim and I are still newlyweds – just shy of six months. It has been an amazing blessing for both of us after years of “wandering in our wilderness” like the Israelites did.

A fun fact about me: when I turned 50 I did 50 new things that year,  living a bucket list life became my hobby. Included sky diving, stand up comedy, and surfing.

What others are saying about Her Freedom Journey:

God used this book to break the chains I’ve held for 7.5 years. I’m free now. My prayers have been answered. This book gave me hope to believe that freedom from pornography is possible and it helped me to forgive, confess, and grieve my past.

God used this book to show me that I am not alone in this struggle and that freedom is possible. It also helped me to see that my struggle is an intimacy issue and porn addiction is a sin issue. I was really helped and have been profoundly changed. Praise the Lord.

This book has been helpful in showing me that I need to do some work on healing from the shame of my past. God is helping me focus on His word and truth so I can not be afraid to share what He has done in my life. Jesus has freed me from the power porn has had on my life and given me a new life. I am thankful to Jesus. He truly is the love of my life.

“God has used Her Freedom Journey to remind me that I am not alone in these struggles. As a 30-year-old single woman focusing on her career, I used to label myself in that identity of my past shames and failures, but the Lord reminded me through this book that I am a daughter of Christ. It is Him that frees me once I choose to surrender those things to Him.